How Do Invisalign Aligners Work? – Teeth Video

Do not be scared to voice their concerns. Braces may negatively impact confidence and can be challenging to control. Braces may create discomfort and make it difficult to maintain good oral hygiene. What is the best solution?

If you don’t want to get braces but are looking to align their teeth, invisalign aligners could be an excellent option. These aligners are virtually invisible and can be removed, so eating doesn’t have to be stressful! They work in the same manner as braces by slowly shift your teeth in time in order to give you an attractive smile that you can wear comfortably.

In order to mold your aligners a dentist will take impressions of your teeth. Specialized software is moved to monitor the movement of your teeth. They then design multiple aligners that will eventually be utilized for tooth migration. Your aligners should be worn comfortably over your teeth after they are sent. Watch how Invisalign aligners are constructed in this animated clip.
