Just What the Heck Is SEO Resale?

Seo resellers

Before we go into what SEO outsourcing services, SEO reseller services, and white label SEO are, perhaps we should start at the beginning. Before you can understand those, you first need to know what SEO is. Not only do you need to know that, but you must understand why it is a desirable service to be buying and selling and reselling.

Search Engine Optimization is the newest craze in internet marketing. When combined with a few other marketing techniques, SEO is designed to get a website to the highest ranks of the internet search results. At that position, a website will see more traffic, and in turn, more business. SEO is a constantly growing and evolving field, and getting in now could set you up for a solid career for quite some time.

All of those terms mentioned above are synonymous with SEO reselling. SEO resellers act as the middleman. They are the contact, the go between, for a company in need of SEO, and an SEO company providing its services. But why would anyone need SEO resellers if the business can just contact the SEO company on its own, or if the SEO company seeks its own clients?

The thing with the SEO resellers acting as middlemen is that they take over one of the most time consuming aspects of the job for the SEO companies. Say the company has plenty of writers, and plenty of account managers, just not enough accounts. Yet they do not have the time or resources to get out there and actively recruit new clients at the moment. They could use the extra work, but really have no way of getting it right now.

An SEO reseller will find the clients, selling the services of the SEO company, and convince the business that they need SEO services. With that time consuming search and sales part done, the reseller then goes right to the SEO company and gives them the client and business. He forever remains the middleman, with the business hiring the SEO services being none the wiser.

It still proves beneficial to the company in need of SEO too. They may have never known that they needed SEO, may not have known that it existed, so they never would have sought it out. By introducing the concept and services, the reseller is helping them both out, and even the SEO company wins because they get more business.

Getting into SEO reselling makes you an entrepreneur. You run your own business, deal with your own clients, and make sure the best work possible is done. Think of it as subcontracting. If a contractor has the whole of the house done but drywall, he can hire an independent drywall company to get it done for him. You are that contractor. Now go out and hire that drywaller.