How to Start a Productive Family Conversation About Home Renovations – Great Conversation Starters
as well as burglaries across and burglaries across the United States. So long as you prepare for danger, keeping everyone safe in the home can be achieved by adding the element of home security to your house’s exterior. An outdoor wireless camera with a recording capability can improve the security of your home. Be aware…
Will Poorly Written Online Comments Harm Your Spot in the Search Rankings?
In early February, Google’s search guru Matt Cutts offered a bit of wisdom for companies struggling to keep their online comments sections free of poor grammar and spelling mistakes. Don’t worry, Cutts said, bad writing from third-party commenters won’t affect your spot in the Google search rankings. Spam, however, is an entirely different story. You…
Five Reasons Mobile Advertising is the Future of Online Marketing
About a year ago, one Reddit user posed the interesting question: “If someone from the 1950s suddenly appeared today, what would be the most difficult thing to explain to them about life today?” Someone known as “nuseramed” offered up his (or her) thoughts: “I possess a device, in my pocket, that is capable of accessing…
Why Every Small Business Should Focus on Video Blogging
In the past decade, the amount of time web users are spending viewing online videos has doubled from 3 billion hours in 2002 to nearly 6 billion in 2012. Sites like YouTube and Vimeo are pulling in millions of views per day (and in YouTube’s case, billions), and more small businesses are adding blogs to…
Sticking With What You Know
Outsourcing can be a double-edged sword. On the one side, you have the people who focus on one thing very well (say, making pants), and who thus need to rely on other people to help their business grow (pants distributors, pants marketers, pants website designers). Then you have the people who do the ancillary functions…
Need TO Get Some SEO Done, but Do Not Know How? Outsource It
Ever considered getting into the exciting world of Search Engine Optimization? But you do not know how to do SEO, and you do not know how to get involved. That is okay. There is a great way to get into the industry without having any hands-on experience at all. A great stepping-stone into the industry…
Is Your In-House Web Marketing Ineffective?
The fact of the digital age is every business, every blogger, every person who feels like they have anything interesting to say has a webpage. According to VisualNews, there were 634 million websites at the end of 2012. By the end of 2013, however, there will be well over 700 million websites. That means over…
Five Ways SEO Outsourcing Services Are Essential
Is your business struggling to take advantage of the latest in web marketing? If you are not popping up in search engines, being shared across social media, or having links organically generated to your site, then you are missing out on a huge potential market. Are you aware that, according to Internet Retailer, eCommerce is…
Just What the Heck Is SEO Resale?
Before we go into what SEO outsourcing services, SEO reseller services, and white label SEO are, perhaps we should start at the beginning. Before you can understand those, you first need to know what SEO is. Not only do you need to know that, but you must understand why it is a desirable service to…
Three Ways Outsourcing SEO Can Help Your Company
Did you know, according to Internet World Stats, 34.3% of the world’s population, 2.3 billion people, use the internet daily? That number represents a huge pool of potential clients and income. Marketing Charts points out that Americans spend nearly four hours everyday connected with the web by phone or computer. The fact is if you…